Underground Sun Storage - Start

RAG Austria AG is Austria’s oldest oil and gas exploration and production company.  One of its core business activities is energy storage. RAG has developed and operates its own storage facilities at Puchkirchen and Aigelsbrunn. A joint venture between RAG, Gazprom and Wingas operates the Haidach gas storage facility, and another, with Uniper (former E.ON Gas Storage), runs the 7Fields storage facility. Both facilities straddle the border between the provinces of Salzburg and Upper Austria. 

Through its own storage capacity, which now totals about 6 billion cubic metres, and its activities as an operator, RAG makes a major contribution to security of supply in Austria and Central Europe as a whole. RAG is currently the fourth biggest gas storage operator in Europe. The company sees itself as a partner for renewables and also develops geothermal energy projects. 

RAG’s role in the Underground Sun Storage project:

RAG is the lead company and biggest investor in the group that is undertaking this pioneering project. The experienced RAG staff on the Underground Sun Storage project team provide access to the company’s extensive expertise in developing and commissioning underground storage facilities. 

RAG will mainly be concerned with developing, building and operating an experimental facility for underground storage of renewable energy converted into a mixture of methane and hydrogen. Experts from RAG are also involved in all of the other work packages that make up the project. They are assisting with the provision of test materials, and verification of the relevance of the laboratory tests and simulations to real-life reservoir conditions.

RAG Austria AG
Schwarzenbergplatz 16
A-1015 Vienna
T +43 50 724
F +43 50 724-5238


